
21 June 2015

Moschino SS16 Menswear

Personally, I love the use of primary colour and the historical influences within the line.

The Georgian era (as well as traditional Italy and Spain) is clearly a common factor, and theme present in the line given away by use of the small heart-like shapes stuck on to the models cheeks. Also, the hair (sleek, tight curls) and make up (paleness to the skin) is directly drawn from a cross between the Georgian, and Victorian era with sharp Italian influences. Hence the Italian originality in the line. This is very strong due to the design of the small front waist-length waistcoats with the extended tail, with the highly detailed collars, and the floral patterns used on the outfits similar to those used in Alice in Wonderland. The oversized crowns also add to this idea (if we can all relate to the queen of hearts in the film).

Everyone knows Moschino’s clear cartoon-like theme that seems to run in all their lines, which without a doubt never seem to fail. The 'Fresh Prince of Bel Air'  and '90s style' is a clear influence in their line with the use of primary colours, and the leather bags, which have an obvious racing theme.

My favourite look from the whole line has to be either, the black suit, as shown, or the pink one. I just adore the patterns and material used; it’s just like a fairy tale. I do really love the oversized crowns, and I’m not going to lie, I would love one myself.
Kudos to Jeremy Scott, and I can not wait to see what Moschino at going to bring next!

Instagram: @vikkiekuponiyi 
Twitter: @Viksta
Tumblr: @vikkiesphere  

Till we meet again.....

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